The snow layer dipped close to Marias Pass, MT, at elevations around 6,000 ft. north of the Thompson-Divide Complex’s Granite Fire Sept. 6, 2015. (photo Jonathan Moor)
Here’s the morning update for the Thompson-Divide Complex fires, including the Granite, Sheep and Thompson fires. Things are really winding down. This is the last regular update . . .
This is the Final Fact Sheet for the Thompson-Divide Complex from Northern Rockies Type II Incident Management Team Leach. Link to
Fire Complex Completed: 72% Injuries: 1 Structures Lost: None
Resources – Total Personnel: 87 Engines: 2
Cause of Fires: All three fires have been determined to be lightning caused.
The Thompson-Divide Complex consists of the Sheep and Granite Fires in the Flathead National Forest and the Thompson Fire in Glacier National Park.
All travel restrictions on U.S. Highway 2 related to the fires have been lifted. Motorists are cautioned to still drive carefully because fire traffic are still using this route for rehabilitation efforts.
Stage I Fire Restrictions are in effect for Glacier National Park and Flathead National Forest, except wilderness areas. Stage I Restrictions allow for campfires only in designated fire rings. All fire restrictions have been dropped in the Flathead National Forest Wilderness areas.
Closures are in effect for some trails and areas in the vicinity of the fires. Cutbank Pass and Nyack area trails remain closed. For more information on Glacier NP closures, see or call (406) 888-7800. An area closure around the Sheep and Granite fires on the Flathead National Forest is in effect. Call Hungry Horse Ranger District (406) 387-3800 or go to for details.
The Thompson-Divide Complex received more than an inch of rain in some areas over the past two days and some snow at elevations above 6,000 ft. Today temperatures will be 50-60. There is a 20% chance of showers and thunderstorms. Weather is predicted to return to average temperatures and begin drying mid-week. Smoke from interior hot spots and burning logs may be seen during the week as fuels dry.
Crews will complete hand rehabilitation and remove protective wrap from cabins today. Fires will be monitored for any activity near the perimeters of the Sheep and Granite Fires. Management of the Thompson-Divide Complex is transferring from the Northern Rockies Type II IMT to a local Type 4 team on Monday, Sept. 7 at 6 p.m. The Type 4 team will be located at the Hungry Horse Ranger Station and will continue to monitor all three fires for any fire activity and complete needed rehabilitation.
Sheep Fire, Flathead National Forest
Approximate Size: 2,171 acres
Granite Fire, Flathead National Forest
Approximate Size: 913 acres
Thompson Fire, Glacier National Park
Approximate Size: 18,847 acres
The Northern Rockies Type II Incident Management Team Leach thanks the community, our partners and cooperators for all their support and assistance during this incident.
Receiving & Distribution Mngr. Rick Sendra and Patrick Gomez roll hoses as Keesha Williams unbunches hose from the Thompson Fire, Sept. 2. Gomez is a Natural Resources Specialist and Williams is a Welder from Trapper Creek Job Corps.
Here’s the morning update for the Thompson-Divide Complex fires, including the Granite, Sheep and Thompson fires.
The recent, cool, damp weather is really taking effect. The Sheep Fire, which triggered an evacuation order for Essex a few days ago has laid down considerably. The Essex evacuation order is now lifted and travel on U.S. Route 2 through the area is back to normal, no longer controlled with pilot cars.
Crews are demobilizing. Fire management is being turned over to Glacier Park and the Flathead National Forest.
Resources – Total Personnel: 213 Injuries: 1 Structures Lost: None
20-Person Hand Crews: 2 Type-1 and 1 Type-2 Air Support: Helicopters (2 Type-1 & 2 Type-3), Engines: 4
Cause of Fires: All three fires have been determined to be lightning caused.
The Thompson-Divide Complex consists of the Sheep and Granite Fires in the Flathead National Forest and the Thompson Fire in Glacier National Park. The Sheep Fire is the incident priority due to its proximity to US Hwy. 2, BNSF railway and the community of Essex. Crews and equipment will continue to demobilize today. Today there will be rehabilitation efforts on all three fires. The camp crew has rolled up over 9 miles of hose line so far from the three fires.
The evacuation order for the Essex area will lift today at 8:00 am. For more information, call the Flathead County Office of Emergency Services at (406) 758-2111.
The pilot car escort will end today at 8:00 am, with unrestricted travel on U.S. Highway 2. Motorists are cautioned to drive carefully because of fire traffic along this route. For current road status, call 511 or visit
Closures are in effect for some trails and areas in the vicinity of the fires. As of Sept 1 all of the trails in the Two Medicine and Cutbank Valley are open, including the Dawson-Pitamakan Loop. The Cutbank Pass and Nyack area trails remain closed for visitor safety. For more information on Glacier NP closures, please see or call 405-888-7800. An area closure around the Sheep and Granite fires on the Flathead National Forest is in effect. Call Hungry Horse Ranger District (406) 387-3800 or go to for details.
There is a 60% chance of showers this Friday afternoon with temperatures around 51-56. The humidity is expected to be 55-60. Winds will be 5-10 mph with 15 mph gusts. Continued minimal fire activity through the weekend is expected due to wet, cool weather and increased fuel moisture.
Fire Update: The Sheep Fire is on the Flathead National Forest and burning in very steep terrain with limited access. The fire is about 1 mile south of Essex and about 1/8 mile from the train tracks between Tank Creek and McDonald Creek. The fire showed little activity again yesterday. Structural protection measures have been removed. Crews will continue to monitor and haul out equipment. The team will begin to rehabilitate fire lines and other disturbed areas around the Sheep Fire.
Granite Fire, Flathead National Forest
Approximate Size: 913 acres
Fire Update: The Granite Fire is located west of Marias Pass and south of U.S. Hwy. 2. The fire started in the Great Bear Wilderness and has moved north out of the Wilderness. There has been little fire activity the past few days. One engine and crew are using existing roads to monitor the fire’s activity. Excess equipment is being hauled out.
Fire Update: The Thompson Fire is located in remote southern backcountry of Glacier National Park about 15 miles east of the West Glacier entrance in the Thompson and Nyack drainages west of the Continental Divide. Aircraft will continue to monitor the fire.
Most of Glacier National Park is unaffected by this wildfire complex and is available for recreational use. The Thompson Fire has not impacted park roads. The Going-to-the-Sun Road is open.
Here’s the morning update for the Thompson-Divide Complex fires, including the Granite, Sheep and Thompson fires.
The big news continues to be the Sheep Fire (see map below), which triggered an evacuation order for Essex a few days ago. The Essex evacuation order was subsequently lifted and U.S. Route 2 was reopened for traffic using pilot cars to keep things orderly. However, authorities are still edgy about Essex and warned residents to be ready to evacuate on short notice. The arrival of cooler, wetter weather has helped firefighters throughout the region.
Seems like the Sheep Fire should have a scarier name, doesn’t it?
Fire Complex Completed: 38%
Resources – Total Personnel: 262, Injuries: 1 Structures Lost: None
20-Person Hand Crews: 2 Type-1 and 2 Type-2 Air Support: Helicopters (2 Type-1 & 2 Type-3), Engines: 8
Heavy Equipment: 7 Cause of Fires: All three active fires have been determined to be lightning caused.
The Thompson-Divide Complex consists of the Sheep and Granite Fires in the Flathead National Forest and the Thompson Fire in Glacier National Park. The Sheep Fire is the incident priority due to its proximity to US Hwy. 2, BNSF railway and the community of Essex. Crews and equipment will continue to demobilize today as the need diminishes.
The Essex area is in the ‘Set’ Stage of the Ready, Set, Go evacuation model. Residents are advised to remain prepared to evacuate if conditions again warrant this action. For more information, call the Flathead County Office of Emergency Services at (406) 758-2111.
U.S. Highway 2 is open with pilot cars escorting traffic between mileposts 176.5 and 185. Escorted vehicles are not allowed to stop in this area. BNSF and Amtrak trains are running. For current road status, call 511 or visit For more information on Amtrak, call (800) 872-7245.
Sheep and Granite fires received up to .25 inches of rain last night. Low pressure weather patterns will continue to affect the area thru the weekend, with the possibility of air operations being limited by a low ceiling today. Maximum temperatures will be in the low 60s. Winds are forecast to be lighter today, with a 90% chance of showers. Continued minimal fire activity through the weekend is expected due to increased moisture in fuels and weather conditions.
Fire Update: The Sheep Fire is on the Flathead National Forest and burning in very steep terrain with limited access. The fire is about 1 mile south of Essex and about 1/8 mile from the train tracks between Tank Creek and McDonald Creek. The fire again showed little activity yesterday. Firefighters will continue to patrol and put out hotspots in the Sheep Creek and Tank Creek drainages and remove hoses and pumps from the snowshed and rail yard in Essex. Structural protection measures are in place in Essex.
Fire Update: The Granite Fire is located west of Marias Pass and south of U.S. Hwy. 2. The fire started in the Great Bear Wilderness and has moved north out of the Wilderness. There has been little fire activity the past few days. One engine and crew are using existing roads to monitor the fire’s activity.
Fire Update: The Thompson Fire is located in remote southern backcountry of Glacier National Park about 15 miles east of the West Glacier entrance in the Thompson and Nyack drainages west of the Continental Divide. Monitoring of fire activity will continue with aircraft.
Most of Glacier National Park is unaffected by this wildfire complex and is available for recreational use. The Thompson Fire has not impacted park roads. The Going-to-the-Sun Road is open.
Thompson-Divide Complex Firefighters work on the tracks near Essex MT, Sep 1, 2015
Here’s the morning update for the Thompson-Divide Complex fires, including the Granite, Sheep and Thompson fires.
The big news continues to be the Sheep Fire, which triggered an evacuation order for Essex a few days ago. The Essex evacuation order was subsequently lifted and U.S. Route 2 was reopened for traffic using pilot cars to keep things orderly. However, authorities are still edgy about Essex and warned residents to be ready to evacuate on short notice. The arrival of cooler, wetter weather has helped firefighters throughout the region.
Fire Complex Completed: 32% Resources – Total Personnel: 298 Injuries: 1 Structures Lost: None 20-Person Hand Crews: 2 Type-1 and 3 Type-2, 1 Wildland Fire Management Module (8), 1 Helitack Crew (10) Air Support: Helicopters (2 Type-1 & 2 Type-3), Engines: 11 Heavy Equipment: 9 Cause of Fires: All three active fires have been determined to be lightening caused.
The Thompson-Divide Complex consists of the Sheep and Granite Fires in the Flathead National Forest and the Thompson Fire in Glacier National Park. The Sheep Fire is the incident priority due to its proximity to US Hwy. 2, BNSF railway and the community of Essex. Crews and equipment will continue to demobilize today as the need diminishes.
The Essex area has been placed back in the ‘Set’ Stage of the Ready, Set, Go evacuation model. Residents are advised to remain prepared to evacuate if conditions again warrant this action. For more information, call the Flathead County Office of Emergency Services at (406) 758-2111.
U.S. Highway 2 is open with pilot cars escorting traffic between mileposts 176.5 and 185. Escorted vehicles are not allowed to stop in this area. BNSF and Amtrak trains are running. For current road status, call 511 or visit For more information on Amtrak, call (800) 872-7245.
Closures are in effect for some trails and areas in the vicinity of the fires for Glacier National Park and Flathead National Forest. For more info, see the Glacier NP page or for Flathead NF call Hungry Horse Ranger District (406) 387-3800 or go to
Low pressure weather patterns will continue to affect the area thru the weekend. Today, temperatures will be in the 60s with humidity at 25-35%. Winds are out of the West-Southwest at 15-20 mph gusting to 30. There is a 70% chance of rain tonight. Continued minimal fire activity through the weekend is expected.
Fire Update: The Sheep Fire is on the Flathead National Forest and burning in very steep terrain with limited access. The fire is about 1 mile south of Essex and about 1/8 mile from the train tracks between Tank Creek and McDonald Creek. The fire showed little activity yesterday. Firefighters continued to build fireline and put out hotspots in the Sheep Creek and Tank Creek drainages. Work on shaded fuelbreaks designed to create defensible space in the Essex area is complete. Logs and slash created by this effort are being moved to a safe location. Structural protection measures are in place in Essex. A night shift will continue to monitor fire movement and patrol the Essex area.
Here’s the morning update for the Thompson-Divide Complex fires, including the Granite, Sheep and Thompson fires.
The big news continues to be the Sheep Fire, which triggered an evacuation order for Essex a few days ago. The Essex evacuation order was lifted yesterday and U.S. Route 2 was reopened for normal traffic. The arrival of cooler, wetter weather has helped firefighters throughout the region.
For a view of the positions and relative sizes of the fires in this group, see the “Thompson-Divide Complex Vicinity Map” at the end of this post . . .
Fire Information: (406) 387-4854/ (406) 314-1669, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. Fire Complex Completed: 24% Resources – Total Personnel: 332 Injuries: 1 Structures Lost: None 20-Person Hand Crews: 2 Type-1 and 3 Type-2, 1 Wildland Fire Management Module (8), 1 Helitack Crew (10) Air Support: Helicopters (2 Type-1 & 2 Type-3), Engines: 18 Heavy Equipment: 14
The Thompson-Divide Complex is comprised of the Sheep and Granite Fires on the Flathead National Forest and the Thompson Fire in Glacier National Park. The Sheep fire is the incident priority due to its proximity to US Hwy. 2, BNSF railway and the community of Essex.
On Aug. 31, Flathead County Sheriff Chuck Curry lifted the mandatory evacuation order for Essex and the surrounding area and placed the community back to the ‘Set’ Stage of the Ready, Set, Go evacuation model. Residents are advised to remain prepared to evacuate if conditions again warrant this action. For more information on the evacuation, call the Flathead County Office of Emergency Services at (406) 758-2111.
On Aug, 31, U.S. Highway 2 reopened with pilot cars escorting traffic between mileposts 176.5 at Schellinger Gravel Pit and 185 at Bear Creek. Escorted vehicles are not allowed to stop in this area. BNSF and Amtrak trains are running normally. Call 511 or visit for current road status. For more information on Amtrak call (800) 872-7245.
Stage II Fire Restrictions are in effect for northwestern Montana.
Closures are in effect for some trails and areas in the vicinity of the fires for Glacier National Park and Flathead National Forest. For more info, see the Glacier NP page or for Flathead NF call Hungry Horse Ranger District (406) 387-3800 or go to
Low pressure weather patterns will continue to effect the fire complex area thru the weekend. Temperatures will range between 65-72 degrees with higher humidity. There will be a chance for occasional light rain with periods of gusty winds. The fire activity today is expected to be minimal and give firefighters opportunities for building fireline.
Fire Update: The Sheep Fire is on the Flathead National Forest and burning in very steep terrain with limited access. The fire is about 1 mile south of Essex and about 1/8 mile from the train tracks between Tank Creek and McDonald Creek. The fire has not crossed Sheep Creek to the south. Today firefighters will continue direct suppression efforts in the Sheep Creek and Tank Creek drainages. The shaded fuelbreak construction along the tracks between the trestle to Essex is completed. The shaded fuel breaks in the areas around Essex, Essex Creek Road and the County park land is near completion. The logs and slash created by this effort are being moved to a safe location. These shaded fuelbreaks create defensible positions if burning operations are required later. Structural protection measures are in place in Essex. A night shift will continue to monitor fire movement and patrol the Essex area and Walton compound for any encroaching fire activity.
The Canyon Community Church and the Glacier View 4-H Club made treats and thank-you notes for Wildland Firefighter. The Firefighters signed the notes with their own expressions of thanks.
Here’s the morning update for the Thompson-Divide Complex fires.
The big news continues to be the Sheep Fire, which triggered an evacuation order for Essex a few days ago. The Essex evacuation order was lifted this morning and U.S. Route 2 was reopened for normal traffic. The arrival of cooler, wetter weather has helped firefighters throughout the region . . .
Resources – Total Personnel: 325 Injuries: 1 Structures Lost: None
20-Person Hand Crews: 2 Type-1 and 3 Type-2, 1 Wildland Fire Management Module (8), 1 Helitack Crew (10)
Air Support: Helicopters (2 Type-1 & 2 Type-3), Engines: 17 Heavy Equipment: 15
The Thompson-Divide Complex is comprised of the Sheep and Granite Fires on the Flathead National Forest and the Thompson Fire in Glacier National Park. The Sheep fire is the incident priority due to its proximity to US Hwy. 2, BNSF railway and the community of Essex.
At 6 a.m., today Flathead County Sheriff Chuck Curry lifted the mandatory evacuation order for Essex and the surrounding area and placed the community back to the ‘Set’ Stage of the Ready, Set, Go evacuation model. Residents are advised to remain prepared to evacuate if conditions again warrant this action. For more information on the evacuation, call the Flathead County Office of Emergency Services at (406) 758-2111.
U.S. Highway 2 reopened at 6 a.m. today, with pilot cars escorting traffic between mileposts 176.5 at Schellinger and 185 at Bear Creek. Escorted vehicles are not allowed to stop in this area. BNSF trains and Amtrak are running intermittently. Call 511 or visit for current road status. For more information on Amtrak call (800) 872-7245.
Stage II Fire Restrictions are in effect for northwestern Montana.
Closures are in effect for some trails and areas in the vicinity of the fires for Glacier National Park and Flathead National Forest. For more info, see the Glacier NP page or for Flathead NF call Hungry Horse Ranger District (406) 387-3800 or go to
Today, the fire areas will have temperatures in the mid-60s and higher humidity in 30-40 percent range, which will help keep fire behavior minimal. Similar weather conditions are expected to continue for the next several days. These conditions will give firefighters new opportunities to build fireline on fire edges.
Fire Update: The Sheep Fire is on the Flathead National Forest and burning in very steep terrain with limited access. The fire is about 1 mile south of Essex and about 1/8 mile from the train tracks between Tank Creek and McDonald Creek. The fire has not crossed Sheep Creek to the south. Today, firefighters plan to engage the fire with direct suppression efforts along fire edges in the Sheep Creek and Tank Creek. Construction of the shaded fuelbreak along tracks across from Goat Lick is completed. The shaded fuel breaks in the areas around Essex, Essex Creek Road, and the County park land is near completion. The logs and slash created by this effort are being moved to a safe location. These shaded fuelbreaks create defensible positions if burning operations are required later. Structural protection measures are in place in Essex. A night shift will continue to monitor fire movement and patrol the Essex area and Walton compound for any encroaching fire activity.
The Essex evacuation order was lifted this morning and U.S. Route 2 was reopened. In general, cooler, wetter weather has helped firefighters throughout the region . . .
The residents of Essex can go home again, if they’re ready to.
Flathead County Sheriff Chuck Curry announced Sunday night that the mandatory evacuation order for the town will be lifted at 6 a.m. Monday morning, and the community will be back to the “set” stage of the “Ready, Set, Go” evacuation model.
Essex had been under a mandatory evacuation order since Thursday, as the Sheep fire closed in. Also, U.S. Highway 2 will reopen at the same time, with pilot cars escorting traffic through the fire zone.
Helicopter conducts water drop operations on the Sheep Fire, 29 Aug, 2015
Here’s the morning update for the Thompson-Divide Complex fires.
The big news continues to be the Sheep Fire, which is threatening Essex. Essex is under a mandatory evacuation order and US Route 2 is closed in the immediate vicinity . . .
Evacuation and Highway Closure Information: Flathead County EOC, (406) 758-2111, 8 a.m.-10 p.m.
Resources – Total Personnel: 316 Injuries: 1 Structures Lost: None
20-Person Hand Crews: 1 Type-1 and 3 Type-2, 1 Wildland Fire Management Module (8), 1 Helitack Crew (10)
Air Support: Helicopters (2 Type-1 & 2 Type-3), Engines: 17 Heavy Equipment: 15
The Thompson-Divide Complex is comprised of the Sheep and Granite Fires on the Flathead National Forest and the Thompson Fire in Glacier National Park. The Sheep fire is the incident priority as it is approaching US Hwy. 2 and the BNSF railway and is threatening the community of Essex.
On Aug. 27, Flathead County Sheriff Chuck Curry ordered a mandatory evacuation of Essex and the surrounding area because of increased activity on the Sheep Fire. For more information on the evacuation, call the Flathead County Office of Emergency Services at (406) 758-2111. The American Red Cross has established an evacuation center at West Glacier Elementary School at 160 Old Bridge Rd., (800) 272-6668.
Highway 2 is closed between mileposts 176.8 at Schellinger and 185 at Bear Creek. BNSF trains and Amtrak are running intermittently. Call 511 or visit for current road status. For more information on Amtrak call (800) 872-7245.
Stage II Fire Restrictions are in effect for northwestern Montana.
Closures are in effect for some trails in the vicinity of the fires for Glacier National Park and Flathead National Forest. For more info, please see the Glacier NP page or for Flathead NF call Hungry Horse Ranger District (406) 387-3800. An area closure around the Granite and Sheep Fires in the Great Bear Wilderness is in place. Contact Hungry Horse Ranger District for more information. The order and map are posted at
The predicted cold front arrived in the fire area by mid-afternoon yesterday. Peak winds did not reach the levels anticipated. Today, the fire area will have mostly cloudy conditions with chances of showers and afternoon thunderstorms. The NW Park area did experience some trace amounts of rain over night. Temperatures will be reduced and humidity higher with SW winds of 15-25 mph switching to NW this afternoon. General fire behavior is expected to be moderated.
Sheep Fire, Flathead National Forest
Structures At Risk: 200+ structures, BNSF has several wooden snowsheds and 1 trestle, utilities infrastructure
Fire Update: The Sheep Fire is on the Flathead National Forest and burning in very steep terrain with limited access. The fire is about 1 mile south of Essex and about 1/8 mile from the train tracks between Tank Creek and MacDonald Creek. The fire has not crossed Sheep Creek to the south. Moderated fire activity will likely allow direct suppression efforts in the Sheep Creek area. Construction of the shaded fuel break around Essex is near completion. The logs and slash created by this effort are being moved to a safe location. Crews will begin reducing fuels along Essex Creek Road to the Marion Bridge using a feller-buncher to make this position more defensible if burning operations are required later. Crews may also begin fuels reduction efforts on County park land on the south side of Essex. Helicopters may have visibility problems early with haze and fog that may delay support operations with water drops and logistical shuttle missions. Structural protection measures are in place in Essex. Night shift continues to monitor fire movement and patrol the Essex area and Walton compound for any encroaching fire activity.
The big news is the Sheep Fire, which continues edging towards Essex (see map below). Essex is under a mandatory evacuation order and US Route 2 is closed in the immediate vicinity . . .
Evacuation and Highway Closure Information: Flathead County EOC, 406-758-2111, 8 a.m.-10 p.m.
Resources – Total Personnel: 332 Injuries: 1 Structures Lost: None
20-Person Hand Crews: One Type 1 and Four Type 2, 1 Wildland Fire Management Module (8), 1 Helitack Crew (10)
Air Support: Helicopters (2 Type-1 & 2 Type-3), Engines: 17 Heavy Equipment: 15
The Thompson-Divide Complex is comprised of the Sheep and Granite Fires on the Flathead National Forest and the Thompson Fire in Glacier National Park. The Sheep fire is the incident priority as it is approaching US Hwy. 2 and the BNSF railway and is threatening the community of Essex.
On August 27, Flathead County Sheriff Chuck Curry ordered a mandatory evacuation of Essex and the surrounding area because of increased activity on the Sheep Fire. For more information on the evacuation, call the Flathead County Office of Emergency Services at 406-758-2111. The American Red Cross has established an evacuation center at West Glacier Elementary School at 160 Old Bridge Rd (800-272-6668).
Highway 2 is closed between mileposts 176.8 at Schellinger and 185 at Bear Creek. BNSF trains and Amtrak are running intermittently. Call 511 or visit for current road status. For more information on Amtrak call 1-(800) 872-7245.
Stage II Fire Restrictions are in effect for northwestern Montana.
Closures are in effect for some trails in the vicinity of the fires for Glacier National Park and Flathead National Forest. For more info, please see the Glacier NP page or for Flathead NF call Hungry Horse Ranger District (406) 387-3800. The area closures around the Granite and Sheep Fires in the Great Bear Wilderness were expanded today by the Hungry Horse Ranger District. The order and map are posted at
A Red Flag Warning has been issued for Saturday from noon to 8 p.m. for gusty winds and low humidity. The fires may see wind gusts in excess of 40 mph on ridge tops. Wind direction will start from the south and southeast, then come from the southwest and west with passage of a cold front. These conditions could cause active fire behavior including short crown runs and spotting up to ½ mile on all three fires in the complex. Weather conditions will be changing this weekend. A cold front is predicted to arrive late Saturday afternoon. Humidity will increase with a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms as this front passes through the area. On Sunday, temperatures will drop about 10 degrees and humidity increase. A chance for showers will remain.
Sheep Fire, Flathead National Forest
Structures At Risk: 200+ structures, BNSF has several wooden snowsheds and 1 trestle, utilities infrastructure
Fire Update: The Sheep Fire is on the Flathead National Forest and burning in very steep terrain with limited access. The fire is about 1 mile south of Essex and about 1/8 mile from the train tracks between Tank Creek and MacDonald Creek. The fire has not crossed Sheep Creek to the south. Today, fire behavior will depend on the influence of the approaching cold front and the persistence of smoke over the fire. Construction of the shaded fuel break around Essex is nearing completion. Today’s focus will be on the removal of the remaining logs and slash that was created and any cleanup of the fuel break. The objective of this fuel break is to reduce the fuel component and space the tree crowns to limit fire spread and torching. It will also provide a safe location for firefighters if it is decided to burn out fuels in advance of the fire front. Helicopters will be used to drop water on the fire to reduce fire spread as long as visibility requirements can be met. Structural protection in Essex will continue. Night shift continues to monitor fire movement and patrol the Essex area and Walton compound for any encroaching fire activity.
Granite Fire, Flathead National Forest
Approximate Size: 701 acres Containment: 0%
Fire Update: The Granite Fire is burning in very steep terrain in a mixed conifer forest. The fire is located west of Marias Pass and south of Hwy. 2. The fire started in the Great Bear Wilderness and has moved north out of the Wilderness. Yesterday, the fire moved to the west along a ridge between 2 unnamed tributaries of Granite Creek and northwest toward Patrol Ridge. A crew was flown into the Granite Cabin to put in structure protection measures, including wrapping and sprinkler placement. Crews have implemented structural protection measures on other facilities in the fire’s vicinity. Crews have established locations for fireline construction and possible shaded fuel break opportunities when sufficient crews become available for their construction. Helicopter bucket drops are being used to help check fire spread.
Thompson Fire, Glacier National Park
Approximate Size: 17,857 acres Containment: 20%
Structures At Risk: 2 historic cabins Structures Lost: None
Fire Update: The Thompson Fire is located in remote south-central backcountry of Glacier National Park about 15 miles east of the West Glacier entrance in the Thompson and Nyack drainages west of the Continental Divide. All fire personnel have been removed from this fire. It will be monitored from the air for any increased fire activity. Pumps and hose lays are in place in case a future need arises.
Most of Glacier National Park is unaffected by this wildfire complex and is available for recreational use. Limited backcountry closures are in place. For more specific visitor information, please see the website
The Thompson Fire has not impacted park roads. The Going-to-the-Sun Road is open.
Here is the official morning report on the fires in the Thompson-Divide Complex, including the Thompson, Sheep, and Granite blazes.
The biggest nuisance right now is the Sheep Fire. Its growth has triggered a mandatory evacuation notice for Essex and the closure (again) of US Route 2 . . .
Evacuation and Highway Closure Information: Flathead County EOC, 406-758-2111, 8 a.m.-10 p.m.
Resources – Total Personnel: 335 Injuries: 1 Structures Lost: None
20-Person Hand Crews: 1 Type 1 and Type 2, 1 Wildland Fire Management Module (8), 1 Helitack Crew (10)
Air Support: Helicopters (1 Type-1 & 2 Type-3), Engines: 16 Heavy Equipment: 4
The Thompson-Divide Complex is comprised of the Sheep and Granite Fires on the Flathead National Forest and the Thompson Fire in Glacier National Park. The Sheep fire is the incident priority as it is approaching US Hwy. 2 and the BNSF railway and is threatening the community of Essex.
On August 27 Flathead County Sheriff Chuck Curry ordered a mandatory evacuation of Essex and the surrounding area because of increased activity on the Sheep Fire. Sheriff’s Deputies have contacted residents who are affected by this order. For more information on the evacuation, call the Flathead County Office of Emergency Services at 406-758-2111. The American Red Cross has established an evacuation center at West Glacier Elementary School
Highway 2 is closed between mileposts 176.8 and 185 around Essex. BNSF trains and Amtrak are running intermittently. Call 511 or visit for current road status. For more information on Amtrak call 1-(800) 872-7245.
Stage II Fire Restrictions are in effect for northwestern Montana.
Closures are in effect for some trails in the vicinity of the fires for Glacier National Park and Flathead National Forest. For more info, please see the Glacier NP page or for Flathead NF call Hungry Horse Ranger District (406) 387-3800.
A Red Flag Warning has been issued for this afternoon for gusty winds and low relative humidity. These conditions are expected to cause active fire behavior including short crown runs and short range spotting on all three fires in the complex. Weather conditions will be changing going into the weekend. A cold front is approaching on Sunday with maximum temperatures expected to drop 10-15 degrees. In advance of this front, winds are expected to increase Friday and Saturday. Humidity will increase with a slight chance of showers and thunderstorms with this advancing front. Winds will be from the southwest increasing to 15-20 mph with gusts of 25-35 on the ridges possible on Saturday.
Fire Update: The Sheep Fire is on the Flathead National Forest and burning in very steep terrain with limited access. The fire is about 2 miles south of Essex and less than 1/4 mile from the train tracks between Tank Creek and Sheep Creek. The fire crossed MacDonald Creek and moved down slope yesterday on the ridge south of Tank Creek. It also moved downslope to portions of Sheep Creek, but has not crossed that drainage. It also made an advance west to a ridge coming from Snowshed Mountain. Construction of a shaded fuel break using heavy equipment on the west-side of the BNSF railroad tracks from Sheep Creek to Dickey Creek drainages started Aug. 26. This will continue today between Dickey and MacDonald Creeks as long as conditions permit. The objective of this fuel break is to reduce the fuel component and space the tree crowns to limit fire spread and torching. It will also provide a safe location for firefighters if it is decided to burn out fuels in advance of the fire front. A BNSF work train is being used to move crews and equipment. Helicopters continue to do water drops to check fire spread when visibility allows. Structural protection in Essex will continue. A night shift continues to monitor fire movement and patrol the Essex area and Walton compound for any encroaching fire activity.
Fire Update: The Granite Fire is burning in very steep terrain in a mixed conifer forest. The fire is located west of Marias Pass and south of Hwy. 2. The fire started in the Great Bear Wilderness and has moved north out of the Wilderness. Yesterday, the fire moved to the west along a ridge between 2 unnamed tributaries of Granite Creek and northwest toward Patrol Ridge. Crews have implemented structural protection measures on several backcountry cabins, trailhead structures, a wooden road bridge and a radio repeater. Crews have established locations for fireline construction and possible shaded fuel break opportunities when sufficient crews become available for their construction. Helicopter bucket drops are being used to help check fire spread.
Structures At Risk: 2 historic cabins Structures Lost: None
Fire Update: The Thompson Fire is located in remote south-central backcountry of Glacier National Park about 15 miles east of the West Glacier entrance in the Thompson and Nyack drainages west of the Continental Divide. Increased fire activity was seen within the fire perimeter south of Tinkham Mountain today. Firefighters in the Nyack Creek drainage finished burnout and mop up operations in the northwest corner (Division A) of the fire and were flown out yesterday. Pumps and hose lay are in place in case a future need arises and the fire will be monitored by air.
Most of Glacier National Park is unaffected by this wildfire complex and is available for recreational use. Limited backcountry closures are in place. For more specific visitor information, please see the website
The Thompson Fire has not impacted park roads. The Going-to-the-Sun Road is open.