Here’s this morning’s update on the Marston Fire, the only remaining wildfire of note in the Northeast Kootenai Complex. Activity is winding down. The cool, wet weather has really had an impact on fire behavior . . .
Murphy Lake, MT – The Northeast Kootenai Complex – The Marston Fire activity has decreased with the recent rains and increased relative humidity. The fire continues to be monitored, although suppression repair is now being implemented. Handline constructed by firefighters is being repaired to improve erosion within the fire perimeter. The eastern side of the fire is extremely difficult due to terrain and poor access which drastically limits the ability to use direct fire suppression tactics because of the danger to firefighting resources. The large fuel moistures are still low. The fire behavior continues to be minimal, only smoldering has been observed. Incident Commander Gabe Holguin would like to thank the firefighters for their hard work and positive attitude. “These firefighters hit the ground ready take on whatever the Marston Fire handed them and they rose to the occasion,” stated IC Holguin, “handling steep terrain, and difficult access and a changing strategy in stride.”
The Marston Fire is being supported by, 1- Type 1 Crews, 2- Type 2 Crews and miscellaneous personnel for a total of 120 fire personnel and support on the fire.
The weather forecast calls for a chance of rain today and then some drying developing on Wednesday and continuing later into the week.
A new Fire Area Closure Order has replaced Marston Fire Area Closure Order # D03-067-S-15, reducing the area restricted for public use. The Closure Order in effect now allows public access Murphy Lake and Campground. All other lands, roads and trails previously closed, remain closed for public safety. Please see NE Kootenai Complex on InciWeb at: www.inciweb.nwcg.gov for a full list of trails and roads affected by this closure.