Tag Archives: NFPA Annual Meeting

REMINDER: NFPA Annual Meeting is this Saturday, July 29

NFPA Annual Meeting on July 29
at Sondreson Hall

5:30pm Potluck Supper

6:45pm Business Meeting and Elections

7:30pm Dr. Tabitha Graves on “A Search for Berry Treasure in the North Fork: Huckleberry Ecology”

Huckleberries on Moran Creek Trail (T2) in Flathead NF - W. K. Walker
Huckleberries on Moran Creek Trail (T2) in Flathead NF – W. K. Walker

Huckleberries are a keystone food source for many wildlife species and are culturally and economically important to our region. USGS Research Ecologist, Dr. Tabitha Graves will share information about current projects investigating interactions among weather and site conditions that influence huckleberry distribution, productivity, and phenology.

John Frederick bids farewell to NFPA presidency

John Frederick, North Fork Hero
John Frederick, North Fork Hero

In his column this week, Larry Wilson has some nice things to say about John Frederick as he retires from the presidency of the North Fork Preservation Association . . .

As usual, summer on the North Fork seems to be flying by. Already the North Fork Preservation Association has held their annual meeting and elected next year’s officers and will be followed by the Landowners’ Association this Saturday.

I always enjoy watching the Preservation Association elections. Longtime President John Frederick reads the slate of officers and directors, a member moves the slate be approved, the motion is seconded, a vote is taken and the “election” is over. Takes about 90 seconds.

Big difference this year. President John Frederick announced last year that he would be serving his last year as president. In the last 30-plus years, John has almost always been the president as well as one of the founders of the group. Only other presidents were Ed Heger (one year) and Howard Harrod who I think was president for two or three years and who always said he was a stand in for John.

As a result, it was natural and appropriate that John should be recognized for his years of service.

Read more . . .

NFPA Annual Meeting to be held on Saturday, July 25

On Saturday, July 25, the annual meeting of the North Fork Preservation Association will be held at Sondreson Community Hall on the North Fork Road at Whale Creek.

At 7:30 pm Vernon Finley, Chairman of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribe and Keeper of the Kootenai Language, will speak on topics relating to Kootenai history. He is well known for being an engaging speaker.

The 7:30 pm program is preceded by a potluck dinner starting at 5pm and election of officers at 6:45 pm. Everyone is invited.

For more information phone (406) 888-5084

NFPA Annual Meeting to be held on Saturday, July 27

On Saturday, July 27, the annual meeting of the North Fork Preservation Association will  be held at the Sondreson Community Hall at Whale Creek.  At 7:30 pm Rick Mace, a North Forker and bear biologist for Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, will present his program entitled “A 30 year history of grizzly bear conservation in Western Montana: How far have we come?”

The 7:30 pm program is preceded by a potluck at 5pm and election of officers at approximately 7 pm when people are finished eating.

Everyone is invited.

North Fork Preservation Association annual meeting features presentation by Rick Mace

The North Fork Preservation Association’s annual meeting will be held on, Saturday, July 27 at Sondreson Hall.

Events kick off with a potluck at 5:00 p.m. The NFPA will supply burgers and sausages. Bring anything else that might be tasty. (Note that the webmaster is fond of rhubarb pie. Just saying.)

The business meeting is at 7:00 p.m. — or a bit earlier if everyone is done eating.

The main program begins at 7:30 p.m. with a talk by Rick Mace, biologist for Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks and a North Fork landowner. He will give a presentation titled “What We Are Learning About Grizzlies from Catching Them in the North and South Fork”.

NFPA annual meeting features bylaw changes, well-known speaker

The North Fork Preservation Association Annual Meeting is coming up soon — Saturday, July 30 — with some significant administrative changes to discuss and a very interesting presentation in the queue.

At the January board of directors meeting it was decided to add two new board member positions (an increase from nine to eleven) as a way of introducing new blood without losing board experience. This is a change to the bylaws requiring a vote of the members at the annual meeting on July 30th. Volunteers wanted. If you would like to be on the board or know someone who should be on the board, please let us know.

This year’s featured speaker is Charlie Russell, the son of famed Albertan outfitter/writer Andy Russell. Charlie, besides writing several earlier books on grizzly bears, is also famous for adopting three orphaned cubs from a Russian zoo that were destined to die because they were outgrowing their cage. These were the first of many orphaned grizzly cubs that Charlie taught to live in the wilds of a very remote part of Russia. He has a book and a DVD, Grizzly Heart, telling about his successes in living with the bears in Russia. The premise he wanted to prove was that grizzly bears are not naturally aggressive and mean, but may become so if their only experience with humans is always aggressiveness and meanness towards them.

The annual meeting will be held on Saturday, July 30 at Sondreson Hall. The potluck starts at 5:00 p.m. with the business meeting and elections beginning at around 6:30 p.m. Charlie’s talk begins at 7:30 p.m.

Chuck Jonkel Night

As many of you know, July 31st was Chuck Jonkel Night …er, uh… the NFPA Annual Meeting at Sondreson Hall. We had a great pot luck dinner and, following the business meeting and elections and such, hosted an excellent talk by Charles Jonkel, one the world’s preeminent bear researchers (more about him here).

Chuck, as usual, drew a big crowd. We also presented him with a surprise birthday cake to celebrate his recent 80th birthday . . .

Chuck Jonkel - 80th birthday cake

Chuck is on the right; John Frederick, NFPA President, is on the left. It was excellent cake!

Dr. Charles Jonkel to speak at annual meeting of NFPA on Saturday, July 31, at Community Hall

Dr. Charles Jonkel, President and co-founder of the Great Bear Foundation was named the 2005 Conservationist of the year. The award honored his work in establishing the International Wildlife Film Festival in 1977, 30 plus years pioneering ways to improve the quality of wildlife television and, not least, for his 45 (now 50 years) of conducting bear research around the world. Also recognized were Jonkel’s roles in developing the methodology of bear research, establishing the first concepts of modern bear management and his election as President of the International Bear Biology Association.

Jonkel’s bear research efforts started in 1959 with the commercial availability of the dart gun. He has been around for an exceptionally long time and has much yet to accomplish.

Dr. Jonkel will be speaking at the annual meeting of the North Fork Preservation Association at 7:30 pm at the Sondreson Community Hall at Whale Creek, preceded by a potluck at 5pm and business meeting at 6:30 pm.

Chuck’s birthday is July 16. Join NFPA at the annual meeting and celebrate his 80th birthday.