Tag Archives: Bettie Jacobsen

Update on the passing of Bettie Jacobsen

[UPDATED] As mentioned earlier here, Bettie Jacobsen passed away in Seattle on September 24 at the age of 96. A very nice obituary, including photos from her life, is now available online. Here’s an abstract from the longer, quite fascinating online piece:

Bettie (Elizabeth Colby) Jacobsen passed away at her family home on Naomi Place, Seattle, on September 24, 2011. Her passing ended a life of adventure and good works. After retiring, Bettie joined her daughter, Karen, in Polebridge, Montana, where they ran the Mercantile and Northern Lights Saloon. She was there 9 years then joined the Peace Corps. She celebrated her 80th birthday in Sri Lanka where she taught English. Bettie was a remarkable women and helped many people both personally and financially. She is survived by her youngest daughter Sally Hileman and Sally’ husband Terry Hileman of Bellingham, Washington, daughter Karen Feather of Coram, Montana, grandson David Silverstein of Polebridge and Columbia Falls, Montana, granddaughter Sage Silverstein and great grandson, Darien Davison, both of Eugene, Oregon. She was preceded in death by her third daughter Susan in 1974, and her eldest daughter Barbara in 2002.

Remembrances can be made in Bettie’s name to The Peace alliance, P. O. Box 27601, Washington D. C. 20038 or online at thepeacealliance.org.

Larry Wilson: Optimism and glee over funding

This week, Larry discusses the good news that funding has been approved for additional improvements to the North Fork Road and for additional efforts at weed control. On a more somber note, he also announces the passing of Bettie Jacobsen . . .

Not long ago, I was not very optimistic that the Resource Advisory Committee would grant money to all of Flathead County’s requests for road improvement projects. My pessimism was due in part to the fact that RAC projects had already provided funds for the North Fork Road stretching from Camas Junction nearly to Whale Creek…

I am pleased to announce that I was wrong again. Last week, RAC granted $25,350 for dust abatement on the North Fork Road in 2012…

On a sad note, word was received this week of the passing of Karen Feather’s sainted mother, Bettie Jacobsen…

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