Larry Wilson talks about the state of the river (tolerable so far) and the state of the North Fork Road (pretty bad, especially further north).
It may have been cold, wet, and nasty in the Flathead Valley this last week, but it was twice as nasty on the North Fork.
All in all, that has been a good thing for the river. Although the river is muddy and running nearly bank-full, there has been no flood damage. The threat of flooding is not over, merely postponed. There’s still a lot of snow in the high country, but I remain confident that we will not have major flooding unless we have heavy warm rain. The cold rain of the week is supposed to be replaced this week with warming temperatures and little rain. Hopefully, although the river will be high, we will have little damage.
The rain did have an affect on the North Fork Road…
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(Many roads in the Flathead National Forest are in rough shape, too. Call one of the ranger stations for the latest conditions: Hungry Horse/Glacier View at 387-3800, Tally Lake at 758-5204, Swan Lake at 837-7500 and Spotted Bear at 758-5376.)