Category Archives: Commentary

Larry Wilson: Another outhouse bites the dust

Larry relates a good outhouse story . . .

I don’t know why outhouses are the subject of so many stories. Maybe because they’re slowly disappearing from rural America, and even where they still exist, they have been replaced by indoor plumbing — even on the North Fork. Whatever the reason, there is one less outhouse on the North Fork today, and its demise is an interesting, and hilarious, story.

A Trail Creek summer resident went outside early one morning this week and immediately noticed that her frame outhouse was missing an entire wall. On closer examination, two walls had been ripped off the small building, and the firewood which had been in the otherwise unused outhouse was scattered on the ground.

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Larry Wilson: Some good advice for June floaters

Larry talks about the effects of the wet spring weather and discusses safety on the river . . .

It appears that the professional foresters were correct — the lodgepole pine that seemed to be dying only weeks ago are already producing new, green needles. We still need to remember that the foresters also warned that several wet springs in a row could cause the death of some of these young pines.

So far, this spring seems wet to me. In fact, I’m told that Kalispell has had more than two inches of rain above normal for this year to date. I guess that lodgepole pine regeneration would not be hurt by some mortality, but I would prefer to do the thinning myself.

Even though I consider this a wet spring, so far I haven’t seen or heard anything that would indicate we could have any flooding on the North Fork…

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Larry Wilson: Pertinent information to avoid pouting

Larry talks about the beginning of summer on the North Fork and what to expect in the way of activities . . .

The first North Fork Landowners Association meeting of 2012 was apparently not very well attended. This is not really unusual for June. After all, the majority of landowners are summer residents and not year-rounders. Most NFLA members will be arriving later this month. In addition, quite a few members traveled to the valley this year to attend high school graduations…

I don’t know how the social committee managed to fill so many dates for this summer’s fun activities. All of these activities are open to everyone, whether they are members or not. This creates a need for a subcommittee to make signs, which will be posted at the Polebridge junction and at Sondreson Community Hall. The signs will announce the next social activity and where and when to meet…

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Larry Wilson: Red saplings aren’t dying

Larry discusses what is causing a lot of young lodgepole pine to turn red, admires the work being done on the road and brings us up to date on NFLA activities . . .

Federal and state forestry offices and several retired foresters have been inundated with calls from concerned North Fork residents in the last couple of weeks.

Young lodgepole pine, regeneration from the Wedge Canyon and Robert fires of 2003 seemed to be dying. The saplings, mostly three feet in height or less, were turning red in large numbers and appeared to be dead or dying. Thus the many calls and visits to foresters.

From what I can gather, all the foresters agree. The disease is called Liphodermella needlecast and generally shows up one year after a moist to wet spring — like we had last year. Fortunately, it looks worse right now than it really is. Unless it occurs for an extended period, it seldom kills trees.

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Larry Wilson: North Fork road improvements

Larry discusses the steady improvements to the North Fork Road, as well as several other projects that have benefited the North Fork . . .

It has been an interesting week weather wise on the North Fork. One day, I was wearing short pants and a T-shirt in near 80-degree weather. The next, I was back in long johns, long pants, flannel shirt and needing a jacket to go outside. Normal spring weather.

The gardeners were all in favor of the rain we received for the rest of the week, but no one was too happy about the colder weather. It did bring other benefits.

The freshly graded road from Camas Bridge to Trail Creek junction was getting pretty dusty, especially north of Polebridge, and the rain settled it for now. Plus, the Flathead County Road Department began putting crushed rock on the road above Polebridge…

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Larry Wilson: Early North Fork squabbles

Larry talks about some eighty-year-old head-butting on the North Fork . . .

I have written often in this column that the real North Fork is so special because of the people who live here – full time or part time. Since homestead days North Fork residents have been independent, self reliant, and argumentative.

At the same time, they have had to depend on each other. Neighbors have always helped each other in times of emergency, but also aided each other in constructing homes and barns and everyone put aside their differences at social events. After all, you never knew when you might have a breakdown, illness, or just get stuck in a snow bank. Therefore you helped your neighbor when he needed help and, sooner or later, he would return the favor. That cooperation continues to this day.

That doesn’t mean that folks always got along – in 1910 or 2010. There were arguments, squabbles and occasionally physical violence. In 1932 there were two fatal shootings on the North Fork. One involved a trespass issue and the other the result of a competition for the affections of a woman.

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Larry Wilson: Don’t trust government for advice

Larry talks about common sense flood and fire precautions . . .

The last few weeks, I have been amused (again) by the “experts” from various state and federal agencies regarding the possibility of flooding and/or a major fire season.

Common sense (why do we call it that when it is so uncommon?) will tell you that no one — even government experts — can tell what will happen in a month from now. If you don’t believe me, just listen to the five-day weather forecast and see how often the weatherman gets it right. Full-time paid government employees can study past trends, put information into a computer and create a model. In the end, that is the best they can do.

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