FWP releases final EIS for statewide grizzly bear management

Grizzly Bear - Montana FWP
Grizzly Bear – Montana FWP

Here’s the latest on Montana’s plan for managing grizzlies at the state level. Detailed plan information is located at the FWP’s “Grizzly Bear Management and Conservation” page.

The text of the official September 11 press release . . .

HELENA – Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks has released a final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) analyzing potential environmental impacts from the statewide management of grizzly bears.

Issuing the final EIS is a key step in a process that started in December of 2022, when FWP originally released the draft EIS for two months of public comment. The draft EIS went out for an additional 30 days of public comment in February of this year to ensure partner agencies, affected county governments, and tribal agencies had a chance for review.

“We’ve been intentionally very thorough in our process and review of the impacts to the human environment of statewide grizzly bear management,” said FWP Director Dustin Temple. “This is a crucial process step that yet again shows the state and FWP are ready to take over grizzly bear management ensuring the future viability of grizzlies in Montana.”

FWP analyzed two alternatives in the final EIS. Alternative 1, the “no action” alternative, would represent the status quo. Under this alternative, managing the ever-increasing number of bears statewide, and particularly in areas outside identified recovery zones, would continue to lack a coordinated approach.

Under Alternative 2, FWP’s proposed alternative, FWP would adopt and implement the 2024 Statewide Grizzly Bear Management Plan, which would provide needed clarity about where grizzly bear presence is a management objective and address issues related to connectivity between core grizzly bear recovery zones. If approved, the statewide plan would guide grizzly bear management across Montana. This includes grizzly bears located in recovered ecosystems, grizzly bears in areas not yet recovered, and the places in between.

The final EIS addresses issues and concerns raised during the public comment period. All new information and analysis supplied during the comment period were used to prepare the final EIS and FWP’s response to comments received on the draft EIS.

To view the final EIS, please visit the FWP grizzly bear management webpage.