Dear North Fork Preservation Association Member,
With all of the wild public lands in the North Fork, there is not one acre of designated Wilderness….yet. This needs to change and YOU can play a significant role in this by writing a comment on the Flathead Forest Plan TODAY!
The Flathead National Forest is in the midst of its forest planning process. Several years ago, members of NFPA participated in the Whitefish Range Partnership (WRP), a local citizen collaborative, in anticipation of the forest planning process. The WRP represented various interests (loggers, snowmobilers, mountain bikers, backcountry horsemen, and wilderness advocates) and consensus was reached on 83,000 acres of proposed wilderness in the northern Whitefish Range. This area includes the most spectacular peaks in the Whitefish Range: Nasukoin, Tuchuck, Hefty, Thompson-Seton, and Review. We are hoping that the Flathead National Forest will include the northern Whitefish Range as Recommended Wilderness in their final Forest Plan and not allow any non-conforming uses in recommended wilderness. (Recommended Wilderness is the first step in getting this area designated as Wilderness by Congress.)
A personal letter from you makes the biggest impact. If you have hiked any of these peaks, please mention this in your letter. If you don’t have time to write a personal letter and want the easy way, just go to www.wildmontana.org/flathead and add your name and contact information to the letter that was written by the Montana Wilderness Association.
If you write your own personalized letter, send it to:
Chip Weber
Forest Supervisor
Flathead National Forest
650 Wolfpack Way
Kalispell, MT 59901
Please include support for the following things:
For the North Fork—
- Recommended Wilderness in the northern Whitefish Range following the map submitted by the Whitefish Range Partnership.
- Manage recommended Wilderness just like designated Wilderness, prohibiting motorized use and mountain biking.
For other areas in the Flathead National Forest–
- Expansion of the Bob Marshall Wilderness northward in the Swan Range to protect the Bunker and upper Sullivan Creek area
- Protect the Greater Jewel Basin, especially the western slope of the Swan Range, in recommended Wilderness.
- Expansion of the Mission Mountains Wilderness to include the lower-elevations, species rich-lands adjacent to it.
- Manage recommended Wilderness just like designated Wilderness, prohibiting motorized use and mountain biking.
Also, please support Alternative 3 in the Environmental Impact Statement to keep core grizzly bear habitat managed at the level that it has been in the past…… whether or not the grizzly is delisted.
We have a receptive Forest administration and a good chance of getting recommended wilderness additions if there are lots of comments from citizens. Your comment is very important! You can make a real difference! Thanks for taking the time to do this! The deadline is October 3, so please submit your comments today!!
Warm Regards,
Debo Powers, NFPA President