Mid-day update on Marston Fire

Marston Fire perimeter, Aug 15, 2015
Marston Fire perimeter, Aug 15, 2015

Here’s the noon update on the Marston Fire. Short version: The blaze is up to about 1500 acres. Shawn Pearson’s Type II team will be taking over tomorrow (Sunday) morning, which means they are taking this fire pretty seriously.

Marston Fire
Fortine Ranger District, Kootenai National Forest
August 15, 2015, 12:00 p.m.

Fire Information Line: (406) 882-8308 starting August 15
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

What: Wildland Fire
Detected: August 11, 2015
Cause: Lightning
Current Size: Estimated 1,500 Acres
Containment: 0%
Resources on Fire: 3 feller bunchers, 2 skidders, 1 dozer, 2 dozer bosses, 1 dozer boss trainee, 15 district fire personnel
Location: Approx. 15 miles SE of Eureka, MT on the Fortine District of the Kootenai National Forest.

Status: Due to steep terrain, extremely dry fuels, high temperatures and low humidities, the fire grew significantly yesterday. Firefighters worked on establishing a contingency line in the Laughing Water/Summit Creek area with feller bunchers and dozers. Local district personnel responded to several lightning strikes/new fire starts with initial attack. A trace of rain fell on the fire overnight.

Today the weather is expected to be overcast with cooler temperatures (60-70° degrees) and a higher relative humidity. These conditions should moderate fire behavior. Firefighters are working on building a fuel break on the East side Deep Creek.

Shawn Pearson’s Northern Rockies Type 2 Incident Management Team is onsite at the Fortine Ranger District and will be transitioning with the district personnel. The team is expected to take command of the fire on Sunday, August 16.

Special Messages/Closures: The top priority is firefighter and public safety. Closures in the Marston face area, Stillwater area, and Laughing Water area remain in effect. An expanded area closure went into effect early this morning and is posted on inciweb. There are no evacuations in effect at this time.

There will be a community meeting at the Trego Community Hall at 7:00 pm on Sunday evening, August 16.

For further information, visit http://inciweb.nwcg.gov/ ; Select “Marston Fire”