Officials plan for high water

From the Saturday, May 10, 2008 online edition of the Daily Inter Lake . . .

An expected warming trend has the National Weather Service projecting flooding in Northwest Montana rivers and streams by next weekend, a development that had the attention of more than 25 emergency responders Friday in Kalispell.

The group met at the Flathead County Office of Emergency Services, participating in a conference call with the National Weather Service and making early plans for local flooding.

Meteorologist Peter Felsch said the forecast calls for temperatures rising into the 70s or 80s late next week. That and mountain snowpack that has hardly melted combine for streamflow projections showing several Northwest Montana rivers approaching or exceeding flood stage by Sunday, May 18.

The service is forecasting “high water with possible flooding” in Flathead County, and “flooding expected” on the Yaak and Fisher Rivers in Lincoln County.

Read the entire article . . .