Revised North Fork Neighborhood Plan Begins County Review Process

An important press release from the North Fork Land Use Advisory Committee . . .

December 3, 2007

After three years of work, the North Fork Land Use Advisory Committee (NFLUAC) recently completed the revised draft of the 1987 North Fork Neighborhood Plan. Under Montana state mandate, Flathead County adopted their new growth policy in March, 2007. The growth policy requires all existing neighborhood plans in Flathead County zoning districts to be reviewed for compliance with the newly adopted county growth policy. Although not a regulatory document, one of the important aspects of a neighborhood plan is that it establishes goals and policies that guide zoning regulations in a given zoning district.

The NFLUAC received assistance from the Flathead County Planning & Zoning Office in revising the neighborhood plan, and they conducted two public workshops at the North Fork community center, Sondreson Hall. In addition, the NFLUAC conducted public meetings which resulted in further landowner input for the revision. The final neighborhood plan draft was submitted to the County Planning & Zoning Office in November 2007. It should be posted on the county