Remote chance: Polebridge Mercantile is for sale

From the Sunday, October 21, 2007 online edition of the Missoulian . . .

You lose things as you travel north.

First to go is the cell phone connection, lost before you’re barely out of town.

Then the power lines disappear, then the driveways.

No houses, no streetlights, no billboards.

When you lose the pavement, you’re still just a dozen miles out of town, “but you have the feeling you’ve crossed a boundary,” said Deb Kaufman.


That the Polebridge Mercantile, full of food and coffee and people, has not fallen derelict here so far from the grid, so close to the Canadian line, is testament to the vision of Kaufman and her husband, Dan, as well as to their remarkable baking skills.

That’s the real surprise within the surprise – this bakery in this mercantile in this far-flung landscape.

But it’s time now, Kaufman said, for another adventure, up yet another road into the unknown.

Read the entire article . . .