From the Wednesday, November 30, 2005 online edition of the Hungry Horse News . . .
A host of interests, including Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer will converge on Kalispell to discuss coal mining in the Canadian Flathead Dec. 7 at the Flathead River Basin Commission's next meeting.
The topic of coal mining in the North Fork of the Flathead on the Canadian side is nothing new. One Canadian company or another comes up with a proposal about once every 10 years.
And about once every 10 years the proposal dies.
But this time around coal prices are robust to say the least and the Canadians seem serious about a new coal mine in Foisey Creek - a tributary of the North Fork of the Flathead.
That has prompted considerable concern in Montana, since the North Fork also is most of the western border of Glacier National Park.
Read the entire article . . .