November 17, 2005

Key transboundary resource issues meeting scheduled for December 7

Here's an important posting from Rachel Potter. . .

Dear friends of the North Fork:

Clear your calendars now so you can attend the next Flathead Basin Commission Meeting - Focusing on Transboundary Resource Issues. It will be held Dec. 7 at West Coast Hotel, Kalispell Center Mall, Ballroom B, 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Dennis Schornacht, U.S. Chair of the International Joint Commission and Governor Schweitzer have confirmed they will be there to discuss transboundary resource concerns. Please attend and show your support for a comprehensive environmental study and protection of Montana¹s waters and fish and wildlife.

It’s absolutely imperative that we have a huge turnout to show Schwietzer and Schornact the commitment Montanans have to preseverving the North Fork drainage. Bring your neighbor, forward this to a friend.

Posted by nfpa at November 17, 2005 02:36 PM