The North Fork Compact now has a web site. We've added them in the "Related Links" sidebar.
For those of you not familiar with this organization, here is an excerpt from their "About Us" page:
In the late 1960's a group of landowners in the valley of the North Fork of the Flathead River in Montana found that they had a common concern about subdivision and the beginnings of environmental degradation in the North Fork area. Progressing from informal discussions, they held a formal planning meeting at the cabin of Orville and Helen Foreman, to which all North Fork landowners were invited. In 1971 the final version of the North Fork Compact was completed by Orville foreman, who was an attorney. In 1973 the Compact was signed by those who wished to join and was recorded at the Flathead County courthouse as a land covenant. . .
The purpose of the North Fork compact was and is to deter commercial development and excessive subdivision on the lands of the signatories, in perpetuity.
Posted by nfpa at April 30, 2005 12:16 AM